Monday 28 November 2011

What is window subclassing? in C programming

What is window sub classing?

Windows subclassing refers to a technique whereby you can “tap” into a built-in Windows function and add your own functionality without disturbing or abandoning the original Windows functionality. For example, the Windows procedure for a check box control is coded deep within the system internals of Windows, and the source code is not readily available. However, through the use of two Windows API functions, you can tap into this code and build your own functionality into it.

The two Windows API functions that accomplish this task are called GetWindowLong() and SetWindowLong(). The GetWindowLong() function returns the address of the Windows procedure you want to subclass. The SetWindowLong() function can be used to override the default Windows procedure and point to your own custom-made version. Note that you do not have to replicate all functionality by doing this—when you need to reference the original procedure’s functionality, you can pass the messages through to it.

You can save the old procedure’s address by including the following code in your program: 

lpfnOldCheckBoxProc = (FARPROC) GetWindowLong(hwndCheckBox, GWL_WNDPROC); 

Your new custom check box procedure can replace the old procedure by including the following code in your program:

SetWindowLong(hwndCheckBox, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) lpfnCustomCheckBoxProc);

In this example, the GetWindowLong() function is used to save the old procedure’s address. The GWL_WNDPROC identifier tells the GetWindowLong() function to return a pointer to the check box’s procedure. After this is saved, a new procedure (named lpfnCustomCheckBoxProc) is invoked by a call to the SetWindowLong() function. Now, whenever Windows would normally call hwndCheckBox’s default procedure, your custom check box procedure will be called instead.

In your custom check box procedure, you can always pass messages through to the original procedure. This
is done by using the Windows API function CallWindowProc() as shown here:

CallWindowProc(lpfnOldCheckBoxProc, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

This way, you do not have to replicate all functionality that was in the original procedure. Instead, you can trap for only the messages you want to customize. For instance, if you have ever seen a variation of a check box (such as Borland’s custom check box), you know that it does not look like the default check box you would normally see in Windows programs. This variation is accomplished through Windows subclassing.The WM_PAINT message is simply subclassed out, and a new customized version of the check box rather than the original version is painted.

Cross Reference:
XXI.27: What is a static child window?

What is a static child window in C programming

What is a static child window

A static child window is a window control that does not accept mouse or keyboard input. Typical examples of static child windows are rectangles, frames, a window’s background or border, and static text (labels) that appear on-screen. Typically, it makes no sense to process mouse or keyboard events when dealing with static controls.

A static control can be created by specifying the “static” class in the Windows API CreateWindow() function
call. Here is an example of a field label that is created by invoking the CreateWindow() function: 

hwndNameLabel = CreateWindow (“static”, “Customer Name:”,
0, 0, 0, 0,
hInstance, NULL) ;

This example creates a field label in the window with the caption “Customer Name:.” This field label would probably coincide with a window of the edit class that would accept the user’s input of the customer’s name.
Cross Reference:
XXI.28: What is window subclassing?

How do you create your own buttons or controls? in C programming

How do you create your own buttons or controls?

Controls such as buttons are typically created with a resource editor. With a resource editor, you can interactively design your windows and place pushbuttons, check boxes, radio buttons, and other controls in your window. You can then access them from within your Windows program by referring to each resource’s unique resource id (which you define).

This is not the only way, however, to create controls such as buttons. Buttons and other controls are called “child window controls.” Each child window control has the capability to trap incoming messages (such as the WM_COMMAND message) and pass them on to the parent window control. A child window control such as a pushbutton can be created by using the Windows API function CreateWindow(). It might seem odd to call the function CreateWindow() to create a pushbutton, but a control is, in effect, its own “virtual” window, and thus it needs to have its own handle. Here is some sample code that shows how this task is performed: ...
switch (message)
hwndCloseButton =
CreateWindow(“button”, /* Windows registered class name */
“Close”, /* Window text (title) */
50, /* Horizontal position */
50, /* Vertical position */
100, /* Width */
100, /* Height */
hwndParent, /* Handle of parent window */
0, /* Child-window identifier */
((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->hInstance,
NULL); /* Window creation options */

What are the system color constants? in C programming

What are the system color constants?

he system color constants are used by Windows to control the colors of various objects included in the Windows environment. Table XXI.25 lists the system color constants (as defined in windows.h).

The system color constants.
Color Constant                                   Target Object
COLOR_SCROLLBAR                     Scrollbar
COLOR_BACKGROUND               Windows desktop
COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION            Active title
COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION        Inactive title
COLOR_MENU                                Menu bar
COLOR_WINDOW                          Window
COLOR_WINDOWFRAME             Window frame
COLOR_MENUTEXT                       Menu text
COLOR_WINDOWTEXT                 Window text
COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT                  Title text
COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER               Active border
COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER           Inactive border
COLOR_APPWORKSPACE             Application workspace
COLOR_HIGHLIGHT                        Highlight
COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT              Highlight text
COLOR_BTNFACE                           Button face
COLOR_BTNSHADOW                    Button shadow
COLOR_GRAYTEXT                        Grayed-out text
COLOR_BTNTEXT                           Button text

You can change the system colors from within your Windows programs by calling the GetSysColor() and SetSysColor() functions. You can also set these colors by altering the [colors] section of your WIN.INI (Windows initialization) file, or you can interactively set them by using the Windows control panel.

Cross Reference:

XXI.24: How do you access the system colors in a Windows program?

How do you access the system colors in a Windows program? in C programming

How do you access the system colors in a Windows program?

You can obtain the system colors by calling the Windows API function GetSysColor(). The GetSysColor() function takes one parameter, which signifies which color element you want to obtain. The color elements are represented by color constants defined in the windows.h header file. The Windows system color constants are listed in the following FAQ (XXI.25). 

For instance, to obtain the color for the window’s active border, you might make the following function call:


The GetSysColor() function returns an RGB value. The RGB value represents the intensity of the colors red, green, and blue that are present in the returned color. An RGB value of 0 signifies black, and an RGB value of 255 signifies white. You can extract the individual red, green, and blue values from the RGB value by calling the GetRValue(), GetGValue(), and GetBValue() Windows API functions.

The Windows API function SetSysColors() can be used to set system colors. Here is an example of some
code that sets the color of the active border to red:

int aiColorElements[1];
DWORD argbColor[1];
aiColorElements[0] = COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER;
argbColor[0] = RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
SetSysColors(1, aiColorElements, argbColor);

The SetSysColors() function takes three arguments. The first argument is the number of elements to set color for, the second is an array of integers holding the system color constants to set color for, and the third is an array of RGB values that correspond to the colors you want to invoke for the elements represented by the second argument.

Cross Reference:

XXI.25: What are the system color constants?

How do you update the title bar in a Windows program? in C programming

How do you update the title bar in a Windows program?

The title bar (or caption bar, as it is often called) can be updated in a Windows program by using the Windows API function SetWindowText(). The SetWindowText() function takes two parameters. The first parameter is the handle to the window, and the second parameter is the new title you want to display on the window.

One reason you might want to take this action is to provide your users with the current date and time on the title bar. This task can be accomplished with the following code:

char* szAmPm = “PM”;
char szNewCaption[200];
struct tm* tmToday;
time_t lTime;
tmToday = localtime(lTime);
“My Application - %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s”,
tmToday->tm_month, tmToday->tm_mday, tmToday->tm_year,
tmToday->tm_hour, tmToday->tm_min,
tmToday->tm_sec, szAmPm);
SetWindowText(hwnd, szNewCaption);
Of course, you probably will want to set up this code in some sort of timer event loop so that the title is
updated every second (or minute).

Cross Reference:


How do you get the date and time in a Windows program? in C programming

How do you get the date and time in a Windows program?

To get the date and time in a Windows program, you should call the standard C library functions time() and localtime() or some derivative (asctime(), ctime(), _ftime(), gmttime()). These functions are compatible with both DOS and Windows. You should never attempt to call a DOS-only or a ROM BIOSfunction directly. You should always use either Windows API function calls or standard C library routines. Here is an example of code that can be used to print the current date and time in a Windows program:

char* szAmPm = “PM”;
char szCurrTime[128];
char szCurrDate[128];
struct tm* tmToday;
time_t lTime;
tmToday = localtime(lTime);
wsprintf(szCurrDate, “Current Date: %02d/%02d/%02d”,
tmToday->tm_month, tmToday->tm_mday,
if (tmToday->tm_hour < 12 )
strcpy(szAmPm, “AM” );
if (tmToday->tm_hour > 12 )
tmToday->tm_hour -= 12;
wsprintf(szCurrTime, “Current Time: %02d:%02d:%02d %s”,
tmToday->tm_hour, tmToday->tm_min,
tmToday->tm_sec, szAmPm);
TextOut(50, 50, szCurrDate, strlen(szCurrDate));
TextOut(200, 50, szCurrTime, strlen(szCurrTime));

The time() and localtime() functions are used to get the current local time (according to the Windows timer, which gets its time from MS-DOS). The time() function returns a time_t variable, and the localtime() function returns a tm structure. The tm structure can easily be used to put the current date and time into a readable format. After this task is completed, the wsprintf() function is used to format the date and time into two strings, szCurrDate and szCurrTime, which are then printed in the current window via  the TextOut() Windows API function call.

Cross Reference:
