Do you need Microsoft’s Windows SDK to write Windows programs?
No. You do not need to purchase the Windows SDK from Microsoft to produce Windows programs— instead, most of today’s compilers include the Windows libraries, utilities, and online documentation that is replicated in the SDK.
When Windows was first introduced, Microsoft was the only vendor that had a C compiler capable of producing Windows programs. Simply purchasing the Microsoft C compiler did not enable you to create Windows programs, however. Instead, you were required to purchase the Windows SDK from Microsoft to allow your Microsoft C compiler to create your Windows programs.
With the advent of Borland C++ in 1990, the SDK was no longer required. This is because Borland licensed
the Windows libraries from Microsoft so that the developers who used Borland C++ did not need to purchase the Windows SDK. Borland also included its own Windows utilities and documentation so that a developer would be fully equipped to write Windows applications. This, in effect, started a revolution. From this point on, compiler vendors typically licensed the Windows API libraries and included them in their compilers. Even Microsoft, pressured by competition, dropped the SDK “requirement” with the introduction of Microsoft C/C++ 7.0.
Today, you can purchase pretty much any compiler that is Windows-capable without having to spend hundreds of extra dollars to buy the Windows SDK. Instead, you will find that your Windows-based compiler comes with all the necessary libraries, utilities, and documentation. In most cases, the Windows API documentation is provided online and not in hard copy to save distribution expenses.
Cross Reference:
XXI.6: Why is windows.h important?
XXI.7: What is the Windows SDK?
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