What are the differences between the memory models?
DOS uses a segmented architecture to address your computer’s memory. For each physical memory location, it has an associated address that can be accessed using a segment-offset method. To support this segmented architecture, most C compilers enable you to create your programs using any of the six memory models listed
Memory Model Limits Pointer Usage
Tiny Code, data, and stack—64KB Near
Small Code—64KB Near
Data and stack—64KB Near
Medium Code—1 megabyte Far
Data and stack—64KB Near
Compact Code—64KB Near
Data and stack—1 megabyte Far
Large Code—1 megabyte Far
Data and stack—1 megabyte Far
Huge* Code—1 megabyte Far
Data and stack—1 megabyte Far
Tiny Code, data, and stack—64KB Near
Small Code—64KB Near
Data and stack—64KB Near
Medium Code—1 megabyte Far
Data and stack—64KB Near
Compact Code—64KB Near
Data and stack—1 megabyte Far
Large Code—1 megabyte Far
Data and stack—1 megabyte Far
Huge* Code—1 megabyte Far
Data and stack—1 megabyte Far
* Note that in the Huge memory model, static data (such as an array) can be larger than 64KB.
This is not true in all the rest of the memory models.
This is not true in all the rest of the memory models.
The Tiny memory model is extremely limited (all code, data, and stack must fit in 64KB); it is most often used for the creation of .COM files. The Huge memory model imposes a significant performance penalty because of the way it has to “fix up” memory addresses; it is rarely used.
Cross Reference:
XVIII.3: What are the most commonly used memory models?
XVIII.4: Which memory model should be used?
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