Tuesday 8 November 2011

Can you subtract pointers from each other? Why would you? in C programming

Can you subtract pointers from each other? Why would you?

If you have two pointers into the same array, you can subtract them. The answer is the number of elements
between the two elements.

Consider the street address analogy presented in the introduction of this chapter. Say that I live at 118 Fifth
Avenue and that my neighbor lives at 124 Fifth Avenue. The “size of a house” is two (on my side of the street,
sequential even numbers are used), so my neighbor is (124–118)/2 (or 3) houses up from me. (There are two
houses between us, 120 and 122; my neighbor is the third.) You might do this subtraction if you’re going
back and forth between indices and pointers.
You might also do it if you’re doing a binary search. If p points to an element that’s before what you’re looking for, and q points to an element that’s after it, then (q-p)/2+p points to an element between p and q. If that element is before what you want, look between it and q. If it’s after what you want, look between p and it. (If it’s what you’re looking for, stop looking.)
You can’t subtract arbitrary pointers and get meaningful answers. Someone might live at 110 Main Street,
but I can’t subtract 110 Main from 118 Fifth (and divide by 2) and say that he or she is four houses away!
If each block starts a new hundred, I can’t even subtract 120 Fifth Avenue from 204 Fifth Avenue. They’re
on the same street, but in different blocks of houses (different arrays).
C won’t stop you from subtracting pointers inappropriately. It won’t cut you any slack, though, if you use
the meaningless answer in a way that might get you into trouble.
When you subtract pointers, you get a value of some integer type. The ANSI C standard defines a typedef,
ptrdiff_t, for this type. (It’s in <stddef.h>.) Different compilers might use different types (int or long or
whatever), but they all define ptrdiff_t appropriately.

Listing VII.7 is a simple program that demonstrates this point. The program has an array of structures, each
16 bytes long. The difference between array[0] and array[8] is 8 when you subtract struct stuff pointers,
but 128 (hex 0x80) when you cast the pointers to raw addresses and then subtract.

Pointers are usually cast to “raw addresses” by casting to void*. The example casts to char*, because
void*s can’t be subtracted; see FAQ VII.27.

If you subtract 8 from a pointer to array[8], you don’t get something 8 bytes earlier; you get something 8
elements earlier.

Pointer arithmetic.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
struct stuff {
char name[16];
/* other stuff could go here, too */
struct stuff array[] = {
{ “The” },
{ “quick” },
{ “brown” },
{ “fox” },
{ “jumped” },
{ “over” },
{ “the” },
{ “lazy” },
{ “dog.” },
an empty string signifies the end;
not used in this program,
but without it, there’d be no way
to find the end (see FAQ IX.4)
{ “” }
struct stuff *p0 = & array[0];
struct stuff *p8 = & array[8];
ptrdiff_t diff = p8 - p0;
ptrdiff_t addr_diff = (char*) p8 - (char*) p0;
cast the struct stuff pointers to void*
(which we know printf() can handle; see FAQ VII.28)
printf(“& array[0] = p0 = %P\n”, (void*) p0);
printf(“& array[8] = p8 = %P\n”, (void*) p8);
cast the ptrdiff_t’s to long’s
(which we know printf() can handle)
printf(“The difference of pointers is %ld\n”,
(long) diff);
printf(“The difference of addresses is %ld\n”,
(long) addr_diff);
printf(“p8 - 8 = %P\n”, (void*) (p8 - 8));
/* example for FAQ VII.8 */
printf(“p0 + 8 = %P (same as p8)\n”, (void*) (p0 + 8));
return 0; /* see FAQ XVI.4 */

Cross Reference:

VII.8: When you add a value to a pointer, what is really added?
VII.12: Can you add pointers together? Why would you?
VII.27: Can math operations be performed on a void pointer?

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