Saturday 12 November 2011

How can I debug a TSR program? in C programming

How can I debug a TSR program?

A TSR (terminate and stay resident) program is one that, after executing, remains resident in the computer’s
memory and continues to carry out some task. It does so by making some element of the computer’s operating

system periodically invoke the code that the TSR program has caused to remain resident in the computer’s

The way that TSR programs operate makes them very hard to debug! This is because, to the debugger, the program only truly executes for a very short period. The debugger really has no way of knowing exactly what
the program is doing, and it has no way of knowing that the TSR program continues to run after it appears to have terminated. The very “invisibility” that makes TSRs so useful can cause immense problems!

Furthermore, the process whereby the program makes itself resident in memory, by changing vectors, by changing the size of free memory, and by other methods, can catastrophically interfere with the execution of the debugging program. It is also possible that the debugger might clobber the changes that the TSR has
In any case, unless you have a debugger specifically developed for TSR programs, using a debugger probably
will not be possible. There are, however, other methods of debugging TSR programs.

First, you can reuse a method described earlier, namely, that of using print statements to monitor the progress of a program, but with slight modifications. Whenever the TSR program is invoked by the system by whatever method is chosen (keystroke, timer interrupt, and so on), you can open a log file in append mode and print messages to it that inform the programmer about the execution of the program. This could include functions that the flow of execution encounters, the values of variables, and other information. After the TSR program is finished running (or it crashes), you can examine the log file and gain valuable insight into the
Another method is to create a “dummy” TSR program. In other words, create a program that would function
as a TSR, but don’t make it one! Instead, make it a subroutine of a testing program. The function that would normally accept the system interrupts could easily be modified to accept function calls from the main program. The main program could contain “canned” input that it would feed to the TSR, or it could accept input dynamically from the programmer. Your code, which otherwise behaves like a TSR, never installs itself in computer memory or changes any of the operating system’s vectors.

The second method has several major benefits. It enables the programmer to use his customary debugging techniques and methods, including debuggers. It also gives the programmer a better way to watch the internal
operation of his program. Furthermore, real TSR programs install themselves in memory and, if they are not removed, permanently consume a section of the computer’s memory. If your program is not debugged, there is, of course, a chance that it is not removing itself from computer memory properly. This would otherwise
lead to complete exhaustion of computer memory (much like a memory leak).

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