Tuesday, 8 November 2011

How many parameters should a function have? in C programming

How many parameters should a function have?

There is no set number or “guideline” limit to the number of parameters your functions can have. However,
it is considered bad programming style for your functions to contain an inordinately high (eight or more)
number of parameters. The number of parameters a function has also directly affects the speed at which it
is called—the more parameters, the slower the function call. Therefore, if possible, you should minimize the
number of parameters you use in a function. If you are using more than four parameters, you might want
to rethink your function design and calling conventions.

One technique that can be helpful if you find yourself with a large number of function parameters is to put
your function parameters in a structure. Consider the following program, which contains a function named
print_report() that uses 10 parameters. Instead of making an enormous function declaration and prototype,
the print_report() function uses a structure to get its parameters:

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
int orientation;
char rpt_name[25];
char rpt_path[40];
int destination;
char output_file[25];
int starting_page;
int ending_page;
char db_name[25];
char db_path[40];
int draft_quality;
void main(void);
int print_report(RPT_PARMS*);
void main(void)
RPT_PARMS rpt_parm; /* define the report parameter
structure variable */
/* set up the report parameter structure variable to pass to the
   print_report() function */
rpt_parm.orientation = ORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
rpt_parm.rpt_name = “QSALES.RPT”;
rpt_parm.rpt_path = “C:\REPORTS”;
rpt_parm.destination = DEST_FILE;
rpt_parm.output_file = “QSALES.TXT”;
rpt_parm.starting_page = 1;
rpt_parm.ending_page = RPT_END;
rpt_parm.db_name = “SALES.DB”;
rpt_parm.db_path = “C:\DATA”;
rpt_parm.draft_quality = TRUE;
/* Call the print_report() function, passing it a pointer to the
parameters instead of passing it a long list of 10 separate
parameters. */
ret_code = print_report(&rpt_parm);
int print_report(RPT_PARMS* p)
int rc;
/* access the report parameters passed to the print_report()
function */
set_printer_quality((p->draft_quality == TRUE) ? DRAFT : NORMAL);
return rc;

The preceding example avoided a large, messy function prototype and definition by setting up a predefined
structure of type RPT_PARMS to hold the 10 parameters that were needed by the print_report() function.
The only possible disadvantage to this approach is that by removing the parameters from the function
definition, you are bypassing the compiler’s capability to type-check each of the parameters for validity
during the compile stage.

Generally, you should keep your functions small and focused, with as few parameters as possible to help with
execution speed. If you find yourself writing lengthy functions with many parameters, maybe you should rethink your function design or consider using the structure-passing technique presented here. Additionally,
keeping your functions small and focused will help when you are trying to isolate and fix bugs in
your programs.

Cross Reference:

VIII.1: When should I declare a function?
VIII.2: Why should I prototype a function?
VIII.4: What is a static function?

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